Now that the madness of Norwich Fashion Week had subsided I am getting back to my full on vintage vibe this weekend with the beginning of the “season” of vintage weekenders – a time when I go back in time along with many other vintage die hards!!
Hepcats Holiday is one of my favourite events in the vintage year. We all head to a holiday camp on the Norfolk coast complete with old fashioned chalets for accommodation, dance lessons, the best DJ’s and bands and fabulous shopping.
It is a chance to meet up with old friends and meet new vintage peeps from all over the world. For 3 days it is like living in the past with themed nights for dressing up many outfits need to be sourced and planned.
This weekend has a more casual vibe to the dress code so there is not much need for formal attire and fabulous hats but as you know I don’t do dress down very well!! But the evenings is where people get out the glad rags and dance the night away – themes this year are Big Band Bounce, American Bandstand and Nautical or Hawaiian.

A chic suit for day is my go to outfit and taking a couple means that I can mix and match for different days.
One outfit that I have never bought is anything Hawaiian – original ones are VERY expensive and I just can’t bring myself to buy one of the reproductions that everyone else has but I feel that I NEED to have a nod to the theme – one of my favourite vintage shops may have a little number I can borrow for the occasion but maybe I need to do a little investing??
A full post of all my adventures and outfits will be up next week but now I am going to start packing!!