It has been a while since I wrote a post but as with every year at this time I start thinking about what I want to do for the coming year. 2020 sees a new decade dawn so what do I want to do – it seems as my priorities have changed recently I don’t know if it has come with age or the current political climate but I have come to realise that some things are not so important anymore!!
I want to get back to blogging more rather than jus posting posed image on the squares of IG we call life now – it is a necessary evil in this day and age if you run a business especially but I am getting a little tired of the constant pressure to post pictures, and see a never ending stream of perfect people living perfect lives – I first started the blog to voice what I was passionate about – vintage and second-hand clothes, growing older and bolder and not being invisible over a certain age. So this year I will get back to writing more regular post so I can get more in depth rather than a picture in a little square!!
One thing that is important to me is the state of the environment. We are rapidly killing our planet and need to do something about it – it is going to take a massive change from global governments to make a difference but I am determined to do what I can in my small way.
I have always worn and bought second-hand and vintage clothing but now it is even more important as fast fashion is one of the most polluting industries so one, I love fashion, I have made my living from it for over 30 years and has been part of who I am and what I do but we can’t go on consuming the way we do so one of my resolutions for this year is to try not to buy any clothes at all – not even vintage or second hand but wear what I already own. It will be quite a challenge as I love shopping and finding “new old” items to give a modern twist to but I enough clothes to create a different outfit for nearly every day of the year if I put my mind to it!!
I am not going to say that I won’t buy if a “to die for ” piece comes along because there are still items that I didn’t buy that haunt me and vintage is a one of piece of history are there are some pieces that you can’t leave on the rails!!

Continuing on from the sustainable theme we as a couple am looking at ways to introduce a greener way of living. We already do what we can to be less wasteful. But we are going to strive to work towards zero waste as much as we can.
We don’t shop in supermarkets now unless we have to – all of our fruit and vegetables is from Norwich Market or local producers, we have started to buy other produce from zero waste shops, switched to re-useable kitchen towel and coconut products for washing up, bamboo toothbrushes and facial wipes but there is still a lot more we can do so we are aiming to introduce a new habit each month for a healthier and greener lifestyle.

Last year we went away on holiday for the first time in years and it made us realise that we need to take a break more often. We both work really hard and running businesses you rarely stop and switch off so that is the plan for the coming months to take time out and plan some short breaks both abroad and in this country along with days out. We love living in the city and wouldn’t want to be anyway else but we spent a weekend at our very dear friends country retreat in the summer which was total bliss so getting away from and taking in some country or sea air is on the cards.

Finally we started to revamp the house a couple of years ago but it came to a bit of standstill so the plan is to finish the remaining rooms and garden by the end of the year.
Much of what we have in the house is vintage or second-hand from charity shops which of course takes a lot longer to find because you can’t just walk into a shop and buy it all!! We are also looking at greener paints for the walls and other ways to make the house more environmentally friendly.
Follow our house revamp progress on my Instagram feed and IGTV videos.

One thing I am going to do this year is not try to do everything in the first few days but make it a gradual process throughout the year and not to stress if things don’t go according to plan but go with the flow and just enjoy life, be with people who actually matter to me and not do things because I feel I should or it is expected of me!!
Happy New Year and thank you for following and reading.