Autumn is my favourite time of year. I see it as a re-set – like returning to school with a new pencils and notebook ready for a new term adventures.
If the last couple of years has taught me anything it is to live life to the full and do what you love so that got me thinking about what do I really want to do in the next few years? My 60th birthday is 3 years away which is hard to believe, where have the years gone??
Getting older and bolder is something I am really enjoying – well most of it anyway – the menopause sucks – the mood swings, depression, aching bones, low motivation and anxiety are still very much present in my life but I work hard to get through it and will come out the other side. Sometimes I feel that I am just getting started with a new freedom that comes with age – not giving a fuck what anyone thinks of me and realising that life is for living.
So I have decided to embark on a 3 year plan both professionally and personally, I don’t believe in hard and fast plans I know that is what successful people are meant to do but I like to have goals that can be adapted when opportunities come along. One thing I know is writing things down makes me accountable and more likely to achieve them.
One thing I am really passionate about is sustainable fashion as anyone who reads this blog or follows me on IG knows so one goal is to continue to encourage people to move away from fast fashion and re-wear what they already have in their wardrobe – I have started IGTV videos on how I rework pieces that I already own and want to re-launch my “Shop Your Wardrobe” services and help others make the most of what they have.
Being an ageism advocate is something I want to pursue further, just because as a women who is no longer a spring chicken but nowhere near over the hill why should we become invisible or fade into the background. I want to dispel the myth of growing “greige” as I call it – who says what we should and shouldn’t wear at a certain age.
Getting my book published this year was a long time goal accomplished but I would love to do a glossy coffee table version so raising my profile on social media would be a way of doing this – numbers on IG aren’t my thing but it seems that having thousands of followers on social media is the only way you can get noticed these days.
I want very much to concentrate on building my personal styling business encouraging others to shop more sustainably and opt for second-hand rather than buying fast fashion, with lots of new services launching in the coming months so make sure you are following my me on Instagram for all the updates.
On a personal level I really want to get a healthy work life balance which at the moment is a little off kilter!! What with the day job – which I love, the business, running Fabulous Miss K Store I am finding it hard to have some fun and quality time with my lovely husband. So the first thing to go is the store – I love selling to like minded vintage lovers but it is getting increasingly difficult to find the time and the market has changed with so many sellers out there on Ebay, Vinted and Depop, it just isn’t the same anymore and my heart isn’t in it anymore. So I will be keeping a second Instagram account but changing the name to reflect my professional life and keep the Fabulous Miss K account for outfits, menopause woes, adventures in vintage and my sustainable journey so I hope you will continue to follow along my life journey.
Getting back to regular blogging is something I really want to do as you can say so much more than the little square on social media. Lots of new ideas and topics to be discussed on these pages in the future.
Going through the menopause my energy levels are all over the place, I am tired all the time and lack motivation to be creative and get stuff done so getting my fitness levels back to where they used to be a few years ago is top of the list – swimming has always been a realise for me, my happy place is anywhere near water. Buying a house near to the water is at present out of the question so the local gym with a pool will have to do, with regular trips to the beach and wild swimming at every opportunity is the way forward.
Travel has obviously been limited over the last two years but I really want to explore and take more holidays – I am not one for lying on the beach but discovering new places, wandering, relaxing and eating great food is what I really enjoy. Making the most of every day is so important so making sure I don’t miss a moment or opportunity to live life to the full is a priority for me.
Here’s two 3 years of adventures in vintage.